
Sickness and Nausea Support
Pregnancy Sickness Support resources and peer support www.pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk
Helios homeopathic remedies prescriptions and advice www.helios.co.uk
Pelvic and Back Pain Support
Pelvic Partnership - Information about best practice for the treatment and management of pregnancy-related PGP www.pelvicpartnership.org.uk
Helen Harding Chiropractor https://www.alignedhealthclinics.co.uk/
Birth Preparation
Debra Betts downloadable booklets on acupressure for nausea and vomiting, and labour and birth www.acupuncture.rhizome.net.nz
Dr Sara Wickham information about induction of labour www.sarawickham.com/iol/
Spinning babies
Information about encouraging your baby to lie in a good position for birth www.spinningbabies.com
Zwischen https://www.mothering.com/threads/the-last-days-of-pregnancy-a-place-of-in-between.1619798/
Pregnancy Yoga
Mummy Yoga https://mummyyoga.com/
Shine bright yoga https://www.shinebrightyoga.co.uk/
Jemma White http://www.thehypnobirthingdoula.com/
Donna McPartland https://www.doulad.co.uk/
Mama Magic - Kat https://www.mamakat.co.uk/
Melanie English https://melaniedoula.co.uk/
Nikki Mather https://thedoulaelement.co.uk/
Antenatal Education and Hypnobirthing
Lindy Davies https://serenityhypnobirthing.co.uk/
​Dr Sara Wickham www.sarawickham.com/
Erin Fung https://www.instagram.com/betterbirthuk/